Rani Mukerji and her beau Aditya Chopra have finally tied the knot. Reports about the B-town beauty planning to marry the talented filmmaker were doing the rounds forever. In fact, rumours were rife that Rani and Adi were set to wed in February in Jodhpur. Well, that didn’t happen but this oh-so-secretive couple did get married in Italy that too last night. Guess it was hush-hush affair and only close friends and family were invited to the shaadi. We thought the Mukerji-Chopra wedding would be an affair to remember. Well, it will be coz Ms Mukerji and Yash Raj Films head honcho did manage to solemnize their relationship without letting anyone get a whiff about it, right Bollywoodlifers?
So what if it wasn’t a big fat Indian wedding, we are just happy that Rani Mukerji is now Mrs Chopra. Coz it was long impending and the Talaash actor does deserve to have a blissful married life, no? Rani has even issued a statement which Taran Adarsh posted on Twitter. It reads:
“I would like to share the happiest day of my life with all my fans all over the world whose love and blessings have been part of my journey all these years. I know that all my well-wishers who have waited for this day will be really happy for me. It was a beautiful wedding in the Italian countryside with just a few of our close family and friends with us. The one person I missed terribly was Yash Uncle, but I know he was there with us in spirit and his love and blessings will always be with Adi and me. I have always believed in fairy-tales and with God’s grace my life has been exactly like one, and now as I enter the most important chapter of my life – the fairy-tale continues.”
Here’s wishing the newly-wed couple a very happy married life.
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